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stone industry development trend analysis

With the deepening of China's new round of reforms,China's stone industry will usher in a new era of change adjustment。Today, the industry has developed into a set of stone granite, marble, artificial stone, stone carving, landscape and culture stone, stone machinery, abrasives, diamond tools for the integrated diversified industries。Indeed affect the whole body,How to achieve development in the transformation,This is all stone industry circle every entrepreneur should be thinking about the problem。

Immediately,The total needs of the entire community, compared to previous years, the stone had been a marked slowdown,In case the total amount of the compressed,Can be described as demand exceeds supply,Only walk fine line,Only by strengthening brand awareness Stone,Strengthen and improve product processing technology, development, design, manufacturing, etc,Value-added products in order to improve;Only increase product quality improvement and marketing plan to promote investment,In order to enhance the visibility and the overall competitiveness of the industry。China only enhance brand awareness throughout the stone industry,The brand needs to adapt to market,Will make healthy and sustainable development of the whole industry,Also to deal with the increasingly serious domestic and international competition in the market situation。

Industry reshuffle horizon in the historical process of industrial development in,Because once a considerable period irrational industrial structure and disorderly market competition,China's stone industry caught in the morass of quality second lowest unable to extricate themselves,A direct result of China's stone facing unprecedented embarrassment in the competition in the international market。"In addition to price, what could I do?"International Stone Exhibition on,Some domestic suppliers have often joked stone。Continuous decline in the price of Stone,Also below the EU considers a reasonable price level,So there is a lot of demand for the country's importer of stone fly directly to large and small domestic stone processing plant,Bargain bargain directly with,Finally, an extremely low price rewarding。

In the vast land of China,Abundant stone resources are not inexhaustible。Inefficient production and processing of stone,Serious pollution problems caused tremendous waste of resources and the environment very seriously。Behind disorderly competition,Is a direct consequence of a serious lack of responsibility of the industry, a vicious cycle,Resulting in industry profit growth lower than sales growth,Also led to China's stone industry is facing a serious squeeze the international market space stone brand,Business survival increasingly difficult,Sustainable development of China's stone industry are put to the test,Chinese stone urgent need to upgrade the industrial structure optimization and brand of。

Fortunately, some companies can clearly recognize that。The last century,Faced with increasingly tough international competition and strong domestic growth momentum in the international market demand,Some companies such as Fujian river stone, sun, etc. First of Guangdong Conley and Universal strengthen international science and technology cooperation,The introduction of foreign advanced equipment or learn advanced foreign technology-related,Implementation of the sustainable development strategy:From the original pit mining, blasting process modification is stepped mining, cutting wire saws and other machinery advanced technology;The elimination of backward production methods,Accelerate the construction of a modern stone enterprise,Enhance market competitiveness and improve enterprise management level。After several years of development,Became the first Chinese stone processing industry in a modern industrial group consciousness,The pattern of the industry reshuffle before gradually horizon。Now,China's stone industry structure has diversified into the era of competition,Only a clear understanding of the situation in order to obtain a place。

Copyright:Shandong Whitehead · stone base Lu ICP 10004389

Address:Wenshang County, Shandong Province, White Rock Stone Industrial Park Phone:13396315690